About College
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaja, the king of Kolhapur princely state implemented various programs for the educational and economic development and social equality. He built Laxmi Dam at Radhanagari which benefited to area of Bhogawati basin. Green revolution arose in the region. Through the green revolution the Bhogawati Sugar Factory was established in 1956. The factory played the role of patron and with economic development of the region the vision of educational development came frontward by the leaders. Through this vision the educational institution came into existence. Bhogawati Shikshan Prasarak Mandal was established in 1966 by the visionary leaders Late Dadasaheb Patil Koulavkar, Late Govindrao Kalikate and their allies by keeping the view of the educational development in the rural and hilly region of Bhogawati river basin. The institution initially established Bhogawati High school and then the college Bhogawati Mahavidyalaya established at Kurukali in the area of 19.5 acres. The college started to cater the higher education to the students of Karveer and Radhanagari Tahasils which come under the Bhogawati Sugar Factory jurisdiction. The college is affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur. It is recognized under 2F 12 B. It started on co-education basis. The plant of the college implanted with the 71 students and now it has been flourished in the form of a huge tree with more than 5000 students. It dwells now with the infrastructural campus with main building, Library, Boys hostel, Girls hostel, Women facility center, Indore sports complex, huge playground, Swimming Tank, staff quarters, principal’s quarter, English medium school and MCVC unit etc. In the course of time the college developed not only quantitatively but qualitatively also. The NAAC Bangalore awarded ‘A’ grade to the college. The college runs four faculties viz. Arts, Commerce, Science and Vocation. The college has excellently qualified and experienced teaching staff. In the current staff twenty teachers have been awarded Ph. D. degree in their respective subjects. The college is renowned for its excellent academic achievement. It has special recognition of achievement in sports at national level. The college is committed to provide quality education to the students enabling them to excel in the field of Arts, Commerce, Science and Vocation to cater the changing and challenging needs of society through initiatives reflecting in the vision, mission and goals of the college.
Vision :
means- "Let the knowledge inspire us in the right direction and shine our
1. To inculcate moral values and scientific temper among the students.
2. To introduce need-based academic and intellectual skills for rural students.
3. To develop universal human values among the students. The institution works to achieve the vision and mission and objectives of the institute. Students are encouraged to take active participation in cocurricular, extracurricular, and extension activities. The institution works with the vision to enhance the educational facilities for the students of rural and hilly regions. The institution has destined the chief motto, "Let the knowledge inspire us in the right direction and shine our life." According to this objective plan and action are executed and efforts are taken to inculcate academic and intellectual skill, moral and universal values, and also scientific temper. The institution takes an effort to develop the potentiality of the students in the rural area. For that various facilities are provided to them through organizing various programs and activities. The feedback of the stakeholders and the results of the student's plan are chalked up to implementation for more enhancement.