BC cell

B. C. Cell

The major purpose is to bring the students of minority community at par with the main stream student body. Teachers with expertise and specialized knowledge are invited to offer classes and help students in subjects like Financial Accounting,  Management and Accounting, Economics and Mathematics and Statistics etc.


The Nature of the Activities of the Cell

The Cell is committed to provide assistance to the SC/ST & minority students through counseling, personality development, development of communication skill, remedial coaching, tutorial classes, and preparatory classes for professional and employment purposes, etc. The Cell is actively engaged in coordinating and resolve the problems in the matter of conduct of remedial coaching and other measures with a view to see that the education system succeeds in bringing the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and minorities to a level quantitatively as well as qualitatively indistinguishable from the level of the rest of the society. The Cell is going to organize several educational Schemes, which are as follows:-


Orientation Programme in spoken English

This Programme is to be organized with a view to improving academic skill in English Language.


Orientation Programme in Accounting

This Programme is to be organized for non-commerce students for giving general idea on basic accounting at preliminary level.


Personality Development & Communication Skill

The basic objective of this scheme is to improve personality development & communication skill in competing in the practical filed.


Remedial Coaching

Remedial Coaching is to be organized with a view to (a) improving academic skills of the students in various subjects, (b) raising their level of comprehension of basic subjects to provide a stronger foundation for further academic work, (c) strengthening their knowledge, skills and attitudes in such subjects.’


Contact :

Dr. R. G. Kamble


Co-ordinator, B. C. Cell.

Head, Dept. of Psychology

Phone: (0231) 2387004,

E-Mail ID: bhogawaticollege@gmail.com