Department of Mathematics and Statistic

About Department

Department of Mathematics is established in 1970. Department is having computer laboratory. The ICT facility like LCD projector and internet is available to the students. Department is having a library with nearly 100 books containing text books and reference books. These books are having free access to all the students and faculty of the department.

All colleagues strive hard to cultivate research attitude amongst students through academic activities such as research projects, Quiz, Seminars, Shivaji University Statistics Teachers’ Association (SUSTA) activities. Experienced faculty of the Department is devoted to research in their respective areas of specialization. Research and teaching are given equal importance by the faculty.

Vision and Mission

Vision :
• To establish university level accredited and miraculous centre for Mathematical science.
• To create an eminent scholars in Mathematics.
• To contribute in the social enrichment by developing ethical, dependable, society through statistics.
• To provide intensive teaching and training to the students to understand Methods, use of Software’s and its applications to other disciplines.
• To encourage students to take up higher studies.
 • To promote research.
• To collaborate with other stake holders.
• To provide additional knowledge to our students by signing MOU and Linkages with various institution.


Infrastructure and Facilities

Vision :
• To establish university level accredited and miraculous centre for Mathematical science.
• To create an eminent scholars in Mathematics.
• To contribute in the social enrichment by developing ethical, dependable, society through statistics.
• To provide intensive teaching and training to the students to understand Methods, use of Software’s and its applications to other disciplines.
• To encourage students to take up higher studies.
 • To promote research.
• To collaborate with other stake holders.
• To provide additional knowledge to our students by signing MOU and Linkages with various institution.



Ø  Departmental Library with Text-books, reference books & periodical

Ø  Well equipped Computer lab with printer & Internet Facility  

Ø  Organize various Guest Lecture, Workshops, Career Programs  

Ø  Self Employment Training

Ø  Organizing study tour, Industrial visit etc.

1)      Conducted seminar activity for B.Sc-III students to enhance the interest and knowledge in Mathematics subject.

2)      Department has arranged one guest lecture on “Real and Complex Analysis” for B.Sc-III students on 02/02/2018.

3)      Department has celebrated National Mathematics Day on occasion of 130th birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan on 22/12/2017.

4)      Department has celebrated Traditional day on 20/01/2018.

5)      Department has arranged one day workshop on “Opportunity in Mathematics” on 08/02/2018.

6)      Department has arranged Study Tour for B.Sc-III students during 23/01/2018 to 25/01/2018.

Faculty Details

Head of Department
Prof. Patil Sagar B.

M. Sc., SET, NET.

Full Resume

Sanctioned UGC Minor research project of amount Rs. 120000 on Statistical Inference In the Presence of Nuisance Parameter to Mr. Sagar B. Patil.

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1)      Conducted seminar activity for B.Sc-III students to enhance the interest and knowledge in Mathematics subject.

2)      Department has arranged one guest lecture on “Real and Complex Analysis” for B.Sc-III students on 02/02/2018.

3)      Department has celebrated National Mathematics Day on occasion of 130th birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan on 22/12/2017.

4)      Department has celebrated Traditional day on 20/01/2018.

5)      Department has arranged one day workshop on “Opportunity in Mathematics” on 08/02/2018.

6)      Department has arranged Study Tour for B.Sc-III students during 23/01/2018 to 25/01/2018.

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