Science Laboratories
Bhogawati Mahavidyalaya comprises a variety of science courses. All the laboratories are well equipped with latest equipment and apparatus to facilitate students with the opportunity to undertake experiments with great precision and high accuracy.
Every department has excellent laboratory infrastructural facilities and students are trained in the laboratories to enhance their practical skills and knowledge. New and updated equipments are regularly incorporated in labs with the latest technology which gives the students an added advantage.
The laboratory facilities are centralized and the specific set of experiments are catered by the concerned Departments. The specifications of laboratories are as follows:
Botany Lab
They are furnished with the best equipment to facilitate learning by observing, performing and comprehending the plant kingdom. The Botany department contains four laboratories for conducting the practical classes of students. It offers facilities to familiarize students with common experiments and principles necessary for a sound foundation in the plant sciences.
The labs are air conditioned since the botany experiments do not require the application of heat. The labs are completely fire resistant and are well equipped with first aid kits to deal with any mishaps. The laboratories are well maintained with expert laboratory assistants and attendants. For the conduction of practical classes, blackboards and projection systems are available. Additionally, there are diverse instruments, chemicals, and glasswares that are utilized in the practicals. Some of the important instruments include centrifuge machines, colorimeter/spectrophotometer, digital anemometer, digital thermometer, lux meter, microscopes (compound, dissecting, binocular), pH meter, potometer, psychrometer, water baths, etc. Further, there are many specimens and fixed materials of plants kept in the laboratories.
It caters to the students of Botany (Hons).

Chemistry Lab
The Department of Chemistry at Bhogawati Mahavidyalaya has a well-equipped laboratory for conducting practical classes, which are managed by well-experienced and capable staff, to meet the need and to cultivate students' enthusiasm in science. The lab is created to be fire resistant and has facilities of fire extinguishers along with first aid kits in order to handle any kind of mishap. With new innovations and different facilities like Filtration Room, Balance Room, Fuming Cupboard, Preparation Room, Instrument Room, and others, the Laboratory has been modernized and properly supplied with equipment and glassware to make studying more fascinating and pleasant. Furthermore, the laboratory is equipped with all of the required infrastructure and equipment to conduct practicals in accordance with the standards outlined in the many multidisciplinary course syllabuses. A separate instrument room has been set aside for various instrumental chemistry practicals in addition to the laboratory.
The Chemistry labs cater to the needs of students studying Chemistry (Hons).

Physics Lab
The College understands the need for a state of the art laboratory for physics with updated and calibrated equipment for inquisitive students who are willing to create new collective knowledge and foster the next generation of scientific leaders. The physics labs are well equipped with apparatus such as to help students take part in various experiments related to the subject.
It has measuring equipments such as vernier calipers spectrometers, magnetic equipment like bar magnets, iron fillings for magnetism, optical instruments such as telescopes, microscopes, lenses, mirrors, prisms, along with electrical equipment such as rheostats, slide wires etc. to facilitate the electronics students as well.
The Physics labs cater to students of Physics (Hons).

Mathematics Lab
The College understands the need for a state of the art laboratory for physics with updated and calibrated equipment for inquisitive students who are willing to create new collective knowledge and foster the next generation of scientific leaders. The physics labs are well equipped with apparatus such as to help students take part in various experiments related to the subject.
The Mathematic labs cater to students of Mathematics(Hons).

Zoology Lab
Provides the students with a suitable environment to develop a detailed understanding of the animal kingdom by exploring the physical, morphological and physiological characteristics of animals. The laboratory presents through its instruments an ideal place for undergraduate students to study the histology of various cells, tissues and organs. It caters to students of Zoology (Hons).